Sunday, May 24, 2009

צדיק בא לעיר

Breaking News:

האדמו''ר משמעדט שליט''א

to address talmidim on Leil Shavuos

* We hope other Rebbes will be joining us as well... (Excellent kavanah @ :55)
** Congratulations Admor on your
new music video


sruli said...

wow really funny

Ash said...

i agree with sruli that is great shtick. sruls how do you like your tunnaa baygel

Ap Halevi said...

ha those nach nach guys only get weirder... they were milking the tallis bag...

zlou said...

shkoyach rebbe...although i am still not goreis the "tes" at the end of shmad's name...and yes sruli, its ok to use the word goreis on a blog....

Garritanya said...

The Shamd(t) debate continues... see newest Reishit E-Newsletter:

"Schedule highlights include a guest shiurim from YU Rosh Yeshiva Rav Meir Goldwicht and Reishit legend Adam "Shmadt" Offman ('07-'08)"

Levite Shlepper said...

Rabbosai: The appropriate girsa is clearly with a "t" at the end. Ayen Sham: