Friday, June 12, 2009

תענוג אמיתי

"Ess hot nor gebliben ein koshere Yiddishe ta'anug- a heisse mikveh. Nemt ess nisht avek..."There is only one authentic Jewish pleasure left- a hot mikveh. Don't take it away.."


sruli said...

i hear

gaby said...

chasid sees a chasid must do
le kavod shabbas
we need some arizal water here in the dumbrov mikveh its getting all snagish.

Ben Shafat said...

So I'm working in the hospital one Shabbos and I go to bikur cholim for Shachris and of course the minyan is late. When asked for an explanation, one of the chassidim said, u know - chassidish time. Then one guy says to me, why do chassidim start so late? B/c we go to the mikva in the morning and we sit in the "michaya" and shmooze. This one says 'So & so was injured in a car accident' (c"v) and someone else is having surgery and someone lost a job...etc. So after this we go and daven and we have such extra kavanos. That my friend is why Shachris is late and that is the power of the mikva. KT

Anonymous said...

There is a heated mikva in Lizensk... (this coming from the crowned prince)

dumbrov mikvah said...

i said shake it up zayde U LOOK SO HIP WHEN IN THE MIKVAH U DIP....
ps. Holy brother E i dnt know what mik they are dippin in but i can tell u this they have no yellow duck in it .
mikveh hashem -Yisrael