Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Post-Denominational Hardcore

Nanach Oi!


JBV Trivia: Name the back-up singer featured in this video; who is he, & where is he from? (Correct answer will win you a signed Moshe Levy CD)


Levite Shlepper said...

If I were a betting man, I'd put my shekels on Moshiach Oi's frontman (Yishai) to be a future member of the JBV Moetzes. Looking fwd to hosting him in Elul BE"H.

Anonymous said...

i met him in uman he is father na nach

Anonymous said...

The back up artist looks like my math professor. What a busha to be forced to teach talmidim, not Torah but rather integrals. Hashem Yiracheim.
PS - Elul planning already? We need a JBV calendar of events. Maybe skype for the non-moetzes.

Anonymous said...

hmm sounds like the guy from the yu cafe store - the jamaican guy, problem is however that he is of a darker skin complex.

Ap Halevi said...

Holy Anon chevra- Dont be ashamed, get urself a nice name u can be proud of.

alicht said...

thanks for that classic link from the vault...who could forget anon. @6 :57(and the whole "chillul Hashem" episode) !

wow; with all these great posts Rebbe, you're on fire*!

(*figuratively speaking)

sruli said...

is the back up singer the yid from rav machlis?

Anonymous said...

peretz it me gaby the ann. iused it bc the computer was playin games with me and the chosse ur identity was going nuts so i was LCHATICHLA ARIBER
ps. its starting up again

ShiaZ said...

no way, srulster

Levite Shlepper said...

Chevra: The correct answer of course is R' Shmuel (from Kadita), who I picked up tremping from Yerushalayim; he was a guest speaker in morning shiur version 1.0 /

Levite Shlepper said...

Chevra: The correct answer of course is R' Shmuel (from Kadita), who I picked up tremping from Yerushalayim; he was a guest speaker in morning shiur version 1.0 /