Sunday, June 28, 2009

עבודה שבלב

“Prayer is the heart & cornerstone of Jewish life, and we have a problem with it in our time...”

Ed. Note: So far, I love the siddur; beautiful introduction & great teachings.. but why Nusach Ashkenaz?


π said...

Here is a link to a review of the siddur that My cousin, the Rabbi of RJC, penned. (

Personally, the thing looks nice, but will take some getting used to, with the english swapping places with the hebrew, taking up the right side of the fold.

Ben Shafat said...

Dear Editor, clearly Israel is in the Rav's mind. In America and Europe, the more shvach Yidden are (gulp) us ashkenazians. Sefardim daven out loud with kavana, Nusach Sefard is for all of the BT's so they're shtark now. But the Ashkenaz people run in and out of shul without even opening a siddur sometimes (See certain cities at 6AM minyan) therefore, it is with hope that the siddur will help them. Lets just see if they notice that the Hebrew is on the left side (interesting). Welcome to the Chutz

Anonymous said...

Dear E,
i am impressed that you have been able to adequately depict and summarize the general kavanah of an entire sect of our nation based on a 6am baal habatim minyan in your neighborhood....your research is truly inspirational

Anonymous said...

E you forgot about nusach ari...whats their deal?-Ms.

HaAdmor M'Hungov said...

Am I a BT?

Garritanya said...

Anonymous cut the sarcasm - you're just creating more sinas chinam. If E wants to say his opinion that's his right. It's also your right to respond in a sarcastic way - but is it really so hard to "respectfully disagree" with someone, even if you think they are wrong?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:25. In my neighborhood there are many different minyanim and most of the Ashkenaz ones are quick 1-2-3s. There's nothing wrong with that. Generally, the longer ones are Sefard. Also, other anon - anyone saying Ari realizes that they're in their own world and daven in the holiest of holies; therefore the siddur wouldn't apply to them - the Arizal's siddur is in a league of its own. Maybe the Gra's siddur would be a better Q. Just for the record, no one should be upset by these blogs - I don't think we're hating on Ashkenaz, a yid is a yid and btw, we're all BT's. Don't kid yourself.

zlou said...

if the bnei ashkenaz arent even opening up their sidurim when they come to minyan, then Rabbi Sir definitely picked the wrong ppl to write a sidur for.....