Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rosh Chodesh Elul

Do Teshuva JBV!

New York District #44 City Council Member,
Yasher Koach to Tuli, Official walking chavrusa of JBV, for the footage


tuli said...

Reb whats his name? oh, Simcha Felder, says it how it is. May we be Zoche... and was this my official ordination to the "of jbv" ?

ShiaZ said...

good advice, reb felder, good advice

Bernie said...

His accent sounds so familiar, I wonder if he's ever been to Brooklyn?

tuli said...

Woa!! That is an awesome link on the word 'footage'! Not sure that it is getting enough attention on that small word... Anyways, Yashar Koach to the anonymous poster (and his walking chavrusa...)