Thursday, October 01, 2009

Annual Water-Shlepping Festival

ברוכים הבאים!

שמחת בית השואיבה וליל התקשרות
לכבוד ידידינו ר' רפאל אליעזר לייכט הי'ו
First Night of Chol Hamoed - Motzai Shabbos/Yom Tov Rishon
18/1 Nachal Shimshon, RBS

Program Highlights, BE"H:

Shivi Keller & Moshe Levy- אין עוד מלבדו

*Tribute to former Alter Hoiz-Bucher, A-Licht:

Served by R' Yitzchak, The One Chord Tzadiq

*"Time Out for Torah" w/ Rav Aharon Boness

*Round-Table Discussion:
Building a Conscious Community: From Stollel to Apartment 41
Moderated by Cantor D. Kaye & בעל הצדקת עזריאל שליט'א
*Bentching led by "Prime Time" Ethan HaLevi
דברי ברכה מכ''ק האדמו''ר משמעדט שליט''א


alicht said...

Haha - this post is mamash unbelievable!

(You beat me to the punch - as i was scrolling down I was ready to comment about the "One Chord Tzaddik" before it was mentioned!)

Congrats to HaAdmor on being the 3rd Alter Hoiz Bachur, and suffice it to say - he will be in an EXCELLENT place!

Levite Shlepper said...


The former proprietors of The Maitlands, Ligg'et, The Brothers Kirsh, Adam Peretz, ZP & maybe even The Milvaker (if we daven strong enough) will be present for this year's celebration...

JBV Bein Hazmanim resumes NOW, until after Simchas Torah (unless of course there is more light to be revealed within the darkness...)

sruli said...

בעזרת ה

Aaron said...

Wow sounds amazing, really wish i could be there... but im stuck in miami gulus.